Sunan Abu Dawud (2 Vol)

Sunan Abu Dawud (2 Vol)
Sunan Abu Dawud (2 Vol)
Sunan Abu Dawud (2 Vol)
Sunan Abu Dawud (2 Vol)
Sunan Abu Dawud (2 Vol)
Sunan Abu Dawud (2 Vol)
Sunan Abu Dawud (2 Vol)
Sunan Abu Dawud (2 Vol)

Sunan Abu Dawud (2 Vol)

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This collection of Ahadith is recognized by the overwhelming majority of the Muslim world to be one of the most authentic collections of the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH), however it is also known to contain some weak ahadith (some of which he pointed out, others which he did not)

Though Imam Abu Dawud collected in the region of fifty Thousand Ahadeeth, he only included about 4,800 hadeeth in this collection , which he taught in Baghdad and other major cities at that time.

Sunan Abu-Dawud is divided into 41 books on different subjects, each book containing many ahadeeth. The numbering system used by Abu-Dawud is consecutive and uninterrupted for the entire collection.

This collection of Ahadith is recognized by the overwhelming majority of the Muslim world to be one of the most authentic collections of the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH), however it is also known to contain some weak ahadith (some of which he pointed out, others which he did not)

Though Imam Abu Dawud collected in the region of fifty Thousand Ahadeeth, he only included about 4,800 hadeeth in this collection , which he taught in Baghdad and other major cities at that time.

Sunan Abu-Dawud is divided into 41 books on different subjects, each book containing many ahadeeth. The numbering system used by Abu-Dawud is consecutive and uninterrupted for the entire collection.

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